

KNEKS & Kelas Digital Application Cooperation in Strengthening Education

KNEKS & Kelas Digital Application Cooperation in Strengthening Education

Jakarta, KNEKS - Coming from the needs and constraints of lectures that must be carried out online during the Covid-19 period in 2020-2021, Kelas Digital founder Henry Mappesona and a number of his colleagues designed a complete application made with an Instagram look, as easy as chatting on Whatsapp and connected to Zoom. The obstacles experienced by many students at that time were signal difficulties, ineffective lectures, and difficulty accessing teaching references because they could not go to the campus library. Meanwhile, universities were constrained by the limited number of teachers and unprepared digital infrastructure for lectures and grades. This constraint was also personally experienced by Henry at the campus he leads in Padang. Coinciding with the soft launching of Kelas Digital at the Google Indonesia office, the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS) signed a Cooperation Agreement with Kelas Digital on Tuesday (21/3). Sutan Emir Hidayat Director of Sharia Ecosystem Infrastructure said that Kelas Digital is one of the supporting infrastructures for a strong Islamic financial ecosystem in terms of digital technology in the development of education in Indonesia. Kelas Digital application is an academic service application that supports Hybrid Blended Learning, Campus Management Systems, Academic Social Media, and Marketplace. The Kelas Digital server itself is supported by Google Cloud which allows large amounts of data to be processed simultaneously. Some of the interesting features of this application are access to online libraries and journals, Academic Applications that can be integrated with campus Academic SIAK, the Creation of virtual classes from lecturers outside the campus, to shopping for pulses and data packages supported by Link Aja Syariah. On this occasion, cooperation agreements were also signed with various business partners from ASK Consulting, Y Ventures, Link Aja Syariah, and SIMAK.id. Managing Director of ASK Consulting, Oliver Anderson said Indonesia has great potential for rapid improvement in the quality of education like developed countries. Kelas Digital is a transformation of educational literacy. Democratic education for all, which allows comprehensive access for campuses, lecturers, and students. The high cost of education for most students in Indonesia and its supporting infrastructure can be facilitated by Kelas Digital. So that it can potentially become the backbone of supporting the advancement of education in Indonesia. Author: Hayati Zahri Managing Editor: Ishmah Qurratu'ain
