

Academic Social Media

Academic Social Media

Specifically designed to help students, lecturers and academics interact, share information, discuss and collaborate in various academic and social activities.
Chat Style Classroom

Chat Style Classroom

Chat classroom is a chat room used by lecturers and students to deliver learning material, answer lecturer questions, facilitate group discussions, and provide online guidance.
Networking via Kelas Digital Chat

Networking via Kelas Digital Chat

As a forum for educational practitioners to:

  • Connected
  • Interact
  • Discuss
  • Building informal relationships
Kelas Digital Video Conference

Kelas Digital Video Conference

Our commitment to being a liaison between Indonesian education drivers is realized with the VC (Video Conference) Digital Class Feature in the Digital Class application which is integrated with the video conference application.


An academic market that provides service products such as:

  • Campus payment
  • Paid classes
  • Webinar
  • PPOB (Payment Point Online Blank) to purchase data packages and telecommunications credit
  • Digital Library
  • E commerce
  • Promotion and advertising
Campus Management System

Campus Management System

A more efficient and effective campus management system integrated with a cloud-base for various needs that can be used by lecturers, students, the public and institutions.